Adolescent Orthodontic Treatment

Adolescent Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is most commonly sought between the ages of 11 and 15. During this period, most permanent teeth have emerged, making it easier to detect issues like crooked teeth, gaps, and bad bites. These problems rarely resolve on their own, prompting many parents to consider orthodontic treatment.

This age range is also ideal because the negative associations with braces are less prevalent. Many children in this group undergo orthodontic treatment, making it easier to convince them to wear braces as they see their peers doing the same.

Additionally, children in this age group experience rapid growth, allowing orthodontists to leverage these growth spurts to correct bites and teeth effectively. Their high metabolisms can also shorten treatment time and reduce discomfort during orthodontic care.

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  • hicks-mcmurphyortho Orthodontic Treatment
  • hicks-mcmurphyortho Orthodontic Treatment
  • hicks-mcmurphyortho Orthodontic Treatment